Latteria Nuova Mandrio
Latteria Nuova Mandrio was founded in 1948 by a few farmers from the Correggio area.
They are one of the manufacturers of the famous Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese. The company is a member of the Consorzio del Formaggio Parmigiano-Reggiano, the consortium that supervises all the Parmiggiano cheese factories.
There are currently around twenty members who supply milk to Latteria Nuova Mandrio for processing into Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese.
Half of the 18,000 wheels produced each year in this dairy are sold directly to the consumers in the cooperative's shop.
Accordint to the cheese masters, Parmigiano-Reggiano is not manufactured, but “made”, today the same way as eight centuries ago, with essential and genuine ingredients: the fine milk of the typical area, fire and rennet, with good ancient methods, with the art and wisdom of the cheesemaker.
What is the fundamental difference between Parmigiano-Reggiano and similar cheeses of other origins often confused with the generic name 'grana'? The latter are mainly industrial cheeses, produced in large cheese factories using standardised methods and technologies that allow processing costs to be minimised, but which cannot give the product that delicate synthesis of flavours and quality that only a workmanship with an artisanal heart and a natural and very slow ripening process can express.
Parmiggiano is born in a world where human labour, a thousand years of history, traditions and a cherished and protected land come together to produce an inimitable cheese.
Latteria Nuova Mandrio is a proud member of the family of Parmigiano producers, ad we, at Sol Deli are proud to present this excellent, traditional parmesan cheese to you - a true gem for all cheese lovers.

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